The Ten Thousand Things
A FEW of the wisdom traditions mention the notion of "The Ten Thousand Things." This is a curious term that refers to the totality of all the material world in which
we usually live with all its objects, and as such seems to suggest a bizarre truncation at this handsome but arbitrary number. If this is the case,
what might be the ten-thousand-and-first thing? In an attempt to answer this question, this work begins by taking this number literally, slowly and incrementally assembling images of random "things", beginning, of course, with the image
of a book. Surprisingly, this slow compositing delivers an answer
that only a book might offer.
Archival digital prints on Arches watercolour paper, handmade, hardcover, section-sewn, limited-edition book. 24cmsW x28cmsH, 64pp.
The images below are of non-consecutive page spreads from
The Then Thousand Things.