3 Short Animated Movies
Under the Weather
The film "Under the Weather" was written, animated and directed by
Lyn Ashby, produced at VCA Film&TV School, in 1993.
A short animated film, it won the Special Jury Price, at the film festival FFICS in Tokyo, 1994, and VCA's Kodak award, 1993. It played at several international film festivals including Melbourne International Film Festival, Montreal Film Festival and Istanbul International Film Festival.
This a lo-res file.
This one-minute film, produced at the VCA, is made from photocopies of photographs from a short live-action sequence, and then treated in various ways, including hundreds of hand-cut mattes, in the animation shooting room. This film went to various film festivals, including The London International Film Festival.
Lost in Space
This short film, first produced at the London College of Communication,
(University of the Arts, London), is a homage to space, and the possibilities of its myriad triangulations.