The Light Down Here
AS if seen from above on a bright clear day, countless small human stories unfold in the passing of a normal day’s light – from long, morning shadows, through overhead midday, to long, evening shadows, swinging from east to west – over the sequence of the pages of this book.
Several thousand years ago, Plato wrote a treatise called The Allegory of the Cave, in which he suggested that we humans live as if inside a cave, where we mistake shadows for the whole of reality, competing with each other for power and admiration with our predictions about the movements of those shadows, never suspecting the existence of the wider world outside the cave.
This allegory invites us to imagine what might be beyond our limited conception of things, and to conjure some of the other possibilities in the true light of day.
Archival digital prints, handmade, hardcover, section-sewn, limited-edition book. 24cmsW x 33cmsH, 44pp.
The images below are non-consecutive page spreads
from The Light Down Here.