Particle Physics
THIS work is a visual exploration of the idea that a simple pattern of particles, or perhaps a field of energy might explain the generation of all known phenomena, including various artistic representations of human experience and dramas. Perhaps too this mysterious (and mischievous) underlying universal grammar of things could also account for the evolution (and devolution) of written languages. Original text and imagery by Lyn Ashby with apologies to Vincent van Gogh, Katsukawa Suncho, Michelangelo Buonarroti, John Henry Fuseli, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, James Joyce and TS Eliot.
Archival digital prints on Arches watercolour paper, handmade, hardcover, section-sewn, limited-edition book. 23cmsW x 32cmsH, 64pp.
The images below are non-consecutive page spreads from Particle Physics.